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Where is Tigo Energy headquartered?
Campbell, CA
Where is Tigo Energy incorporated?


When did Tigo Energy become a public company?
Tigo Energy closed its business combination with Roth CH Acquisition IV Co. on May 23, 2023 and began trading on Nasdaq under the ticker symbol “TYGO” on May 24, 2023.
When is Tigo Energy's fiscal year end?
December 31
What is Tigo Energy's stock symbol and exchange listing?
Tigo Energy is listed on the Nasdaq under the ticker “TYGO.”
Who is Tigo Energy's transfer agent?
Who is Tigo Energy's auditor?
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Who is Tigo Energy's legal counsel?
White & Case LLP
Where can I find out more about Tigo Energy?
You can learn more about Tigo on its website:
How can I view documents Tigo Energy has filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), including Forms 10-K and 10-Q?
To view documents Tigo Energy has filed with the SEC please visit:
Who makes up the Tigo Energy Executive Management team and Board of Directors?
The Tigo Energy Executive Management team and Board of Directors can be viewed through the respective links.
Whom should I contact regarding investor inquiries?
For questions regarding investor inquiries, please contact Tigo’s investor relations team at [email protected] or by phone at 949-574-3860.